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Version: 0.21.2

Implement Assertions

In this guide we will show you how to assert if an element is there or not.

Assert the (non) Existence of Elements

To validate if an element exists or not we use expect() in combination with exists() or notExists.

// Expect that a button with text 'Go for it' exists
await aui.expect().text('Login').exists().exec();

// Expect that a text 'Do not go for it' not exists
await aui.expect().text('Login').notExists().exec();

Assert the Correctness of Values

Let's say you want to check if your automation actually wrote something into a textfield. You can do two things:

1. Use expect() to check if the text in the textfield matches

This technique is useful if the text you entered is unique on the screen.

// Type something into a textfield
await aui.typeIn("Please find me").textfield().contains().text("Enter email").exec();

// Assert if the textfield contains the value
await aui.expect().textfield().contains().text('Please find me').exists().exec();

2. Retrieve the element with get() and use an assertions library

If your value is not unique on your screen you can retrieve the element with get() and a different selector. For example with a relational selector like below(). With an assertion library you can assert if the value is correct.

Jest comes with assertions. You only have to import them into your AskUI-file.


Do not forget the import mentioned at the start of the snippet!

// Add this to the start of your AskUI-file containing your workflows/instructions
import {expect, jest, test} from '@jest/globals';

// Type something into a textfield
await aui.typeIn("Please find me").textfield().contains().text("Enter email").exec();

// You have to retrieve the text you wrote inside the textfield here
// If you retrieve the textfield it does not contain the text inside of it
const textfield = await aui.get().text().below().text("User email").exec();

// below() returns an array. We want the first element of that array!
expect(textfield[0].text).toBe("Please find me");